Thyristor control units
Precise control for high current applications
This equipment consists out of three parts.
The first part is the phase position recognition. This unit is synchronizing to the power signal. After some wave this unit is able to recognize the zero point precisely. Now the ignition wave angle which is adjusted by the software can be determined.
The second part is the main thyristor drivers. They are specially designed for the used thyristors. The scope is to force enough current into the gates to open the thyristors and keep them open so there are not needed any ground loads to do so.
The signal should not collapse near the zero crossing. We have already built this kind of drivers for up to 100 kA thyristor stages.
Additional to the phase angle, the software provides the phase which refers to and the phases which should be switched. One other parameter is the running time. Some additional signals can help to synchronize security functions and measure equipments or high speed cameras.